
CGTN专访谷爱凌最强对手 法国的“苔丝姑娘”

在即将开幕的北京冬奥会上,女子自由式滑雪项目精彩纷呈。其中,中国选手谷爱凌和法国选手苔丝·勒德(Tess Ledeux)即将展开的巅峰对决令人期待!


Springboards as far as the eye can see – in the heart of the Alps. 

On her playground, Tess Ledeux flies, jump after jump. The freestyle skier from France will soon come face to face with Shougang Park, the scene of freestyle skiing competitions at Beijing 2022. CGTN did an exclusive interview with her.

CGTN专访谷爱凌最强对手 <a href=法国的“苔丝姑娘”” />
