

  法国#二胡#音乐人演绎中国风】二胡是中国传统拉弦乐器,至今已有一千多年的历史。你可曾想过,一位在二十多岁才开始自学二胡演奏的#法国#人能成为“网红”,单条视频在社交平台收获400多万的点击量。法国人Eliott Tordo就是这样一位#音乐人# ,用一把二胡诠释了他眼中的#中国风#,让这一古老的中国乐器走红海外。Eliott Tordo’s story with the Erhu, a traditional Chinese stringed musical instrument, started when he was in his 20s, an age considered comparatively late for someone hoping to learn a musical instrument. However, the French man has not only mastered the techniques within the course of five years, but also made the traditional instrument famous worldwide through his creative interpretative playing of it.

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